A Few Words About Us

SR&ED Consulting

01. Combination of skills

With our combination of technical writing, financial, project management, business, engineering, and software development skills, NAXXAR is uniquely positioned to serve a wide variety of organizations to help them write SR&ED claims and improve their project management processes.

02. Specialized Team with expertise in a cross section of fields

We have a team that specializes in SR&ED claims and have been successful across a number of fields – e.g., software development, high technology, and manufacturing fields.

03. Years of experience

Our key SR&ED specialists have successfully performed this work for over 25 years.

Proven Success

Our SR&ED Services

NAXXAR Consulting offers a complete range of consulting services for clients involved in R&D. These services include assessing the candidate projects for SR&ED eligibility, identifying activities and costs, preparing the claim, as well as participating in CRA scientific and financial audits as required. Alternatively, our consultants can work with internal and external staff to assist with any of these steps, or review internally prepared claims and suggest improvements.

To facilitate ongoing and future SR&ED claim, our consultants can establish or improve existing project management processes, systems, and tools to ensure R&D projects are successfully completed and properly documented.

NAXXAR Consulting can help maximize the return on your R&D investment through our SR&ED tax consulting services. Our principal consultants have been managing SR&ED claims for over 25 years. We can manage your claim from beginning to end, allowing you to focus on your other priorities.

Contact us for an initial assessment of your claim potential.