Comprehensive Solutions Beyond SR&ED

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Unlock a spectrum of tailored solutions beyond the SR&ED program with Naxxar Consulting’s suite of services.

Government Funding Assistance

Most companies as they grow require funding. This is a significant challenge for entrepreneurs running Small-to-Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Banking institutions are not equipped to handle the risk of financing most SMEs. Significant funding is available for small businesses at both levels of government (i.e., the federal and provincial government).

What We Do?

We help you strategically select the programs which are best suited to your company in the next 12 months. Then, we can write the applications for you or review the application that you have written and suggest improvements. Also, we can work with you through the process to advise and assist you to ensure that you receive all of the funds that you are entitled.

Business Growth Programs

There are many programs to assist the growth of your company. Please select this section for list of Business Growth Programs offered.

Research & Development Programs

There are numerous funding programs for companies doing R&D. Please click on this section for a detailed list.

Capital Acquisition Programs

Click to see a list of the numerous Capital Acquisition assistance programs.

Training & Hiring Programs

Click to see a list of the many training and hiring programs.

Part-Time CFO Services

We provide flexible CFO services tailored to growing start-ups needs.

Private Funding Assistance

We can assist you in formulating a strategy to seek private funds.

Relationships with private sector funds and Angel investors

We have relationships and can put you in touch with private sector funds, from Angel investors to venture capital firms in Canada and the US.